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Our Vision

Bodhisattva Trust MRC envisions creating and maintaining a model of sustainable, ecologically balanced environment with established scientific methods. The model thus created is transparent in knowledge and practices, making it easy to broadly replicate both locally and globally.

At this time when the world is seeing impact of global warming, climate change and large-scale urbanisation, it is important for us all to collectively take steps to restore and preserve ecological balance. We strive to continuously work creating a model which can be improved upon and replicated both locally and globally by committed groups of individuals.

Our Chairman

The chairman of the Bodhisattva Trust MRC is His Eminence Ogyen Samtenlingpa Karma Rinpoche. Karma Rinpoche is the reincarnation of Yogi Tertőn Ogyen Samtenlingpa Rinpoche and his reincarnation has been recognised by His Holiness 16th Gyalwang Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, various high Nyingma masters and further endorsed by His Holiness 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Orgyen Trinley Dorje.

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Karma Rinpoche and K.C.R. Lama Kalsang Rinnpoche

Karma Rinpoche was groomed and mentored in spiritual practices and ecological practices from his early age by his Spiritual Father the Great Yogi K.C.R Lama Kalsang Rinpoche. Thereafter, Karma Rinpoche got his formal Buddhist education from the traditional Vajrayana Buddhist temple. Buttressed further by Buddhist philosophical training from various other masters, Karma Rinpoche returned home at the age of 19 years to get advanced sacred mentorship from Mahayogi Lama Kalsang on sacred practices of spiritual meditation. Karma Rinpoche re-established his spiritual connect to his grandfather the great Mahayogi Chadhel Pema Gurmey in year 1991 by visiting the sacred meditation cave of the Mahayogi.

In 1995, Bodhisattvas Trust M.R.C was officially registered under the Government of India. From the inception of the Trust, Karma Rinpoche serves as Founder and Chairman and continues to do so till date. The Spiritual Father of Karma Rinpoche, Mahayogi Kalsang Rinpoche served as co-founder until his Mahaparinirvana.

After their holistic visit from the scared regions of Southern India and the Himalayan region, both the founders established their unequivocal commitment and sole priority to ecology sustainability restoration and work to mitigate the impact of climate change. It is now the permanent mission of the Bodhisattva Trust MRC.